Program Updates

MRC Approved to Administer Mattress Recycling Program in Oregon

July 29, 2024

MRC Approved to Administer Mattress Recycling Program in Oregon

Registration on is required by Jan. 1, 2025 for Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors, Renovators and Retailers of Mattresses and Foundation Products Sold For Use in Oregon

On July 25, Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) authorized the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) to establish and administer a statewide mattress recycling program in the state. Oregon DEQ approved a modified operating plan, including a budget and stewardship assessment (fee) to fund the program. MRC will launch its Oregon program on January 1, 2025.

Oregon’s Mattress Stewardship Act (SB 1576) requires manufacturers, importers, distributors, renovators and retailers of mattresses and foundations sold or offered for sale in Oregon to register with MRC. Registration is easy and free of charge. As the launch date approaches, MRC will provide registrants with program implementation updates and customer education materials. For that reason, entities that must register should do so as soon as practical so that they are well prepared and informed to meet their legal obligations.

Legal Requirements for Retailers (including both brick-and-mortar and online retailers) and Contract Sellers:
1. Register with MRC prior to January 1, 2025, at
2. Collect the mattress stewardship fee of $22.50 per unit sold to end users in Oregon (including both individual consumers and contract purchasers such as hotels, hospitals and universities) and display that amount as a line item on the receipt, invoice or other sales documentation that the seller provides the purchaser.
3. Report mattress and foundation sales and remit the collected fees to MRC monthly.
4. Only purchase or offer for sale products and brands from registered Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers or Renovators.
5. At the time of sale, provide consumers with information about available collection and recycling options for discarded products.

Legal Requirements for Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers or Renovators
1. Register with MRC prior to January 1, 2025 at
2. Provide all brand names or URNs of the mattress and foundations products that you manufacture, distribute, import or renovate that are offered for sale in Oregon.

Entities that perform multiple roles in the industry must register under each category that applies to their operations. Refer to the definitions on to determine your registration categories.

Register online at
or call 1-888-646-6815 for technical support

For complete details on the program, please visit the resources below or contact us at or 1-855-229-1691.

Obligations: Information Sheet (
FAQ’s: MRC Registration and Reporting (
Definitions: MRC Registration and Reporting (
Included Excluded Products: MRC Registration and Reporting (
MRC Oregon Program Page:
Oregon DEQ: Department of Environmental Quality: Mattress Recycling Program

Need help?
For more information about the Mattress Recycling Council, please visit
For help with registration, reporting and fee remittance, contact us by clicking here or by calling: 1-888-646-6815.
If you have other questions, please contact us at or by calling: 1-855-229-1691.
For translation services, please call 1-888-646-6815.

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